Daily Layout Ideas for Bullet Journals (with mood tracker)

Of all the types of spreads that you can use in your journal or planner, I do love a daily spread. I’m the type of girl that needs a daily to do list that I can check off, a space for appointments or events and room for notes. I’d love to move to a weekly spread but for now…I need more room than one little column will give me. 

Above is a recent layout I created for my travelers notebook. I use the to do list for daily tasks that I need to complete (washing, dishes, shopping, cooking tasks etc). Even though some of these tasks are pretty trivial, I love being able to cross them off. 

The appointments and tasks area is where I list places I have to be. So football training with my son, Dental appointments, school events. I like having this in a separate area because it’s easy to see and doesn’t get mixed in with the rest of the less important tasks of the day.

A notes area is used for anything that takes my fancy. Sometimes it’s meal planning or tracking what I eat or drink. Other times it’s to record something funny one of my kids said. I’ve even used it for an affirmation or quote that I love.

I use the goal area for any goals that I’m working on ….health …business …financial.

And lastly the I’m feeling…area is a little spot where I can use a mood tracker sticker (as I have done above), draw a face or write how I feel for the day. Or you could use it for an important event you want to highlight.

{The above images used a Cahier sized Travelers notebook insert with dot grid, Unipin Fine LIne Pen 0.2 and Mood Tracker Stickers}